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Oct. 8, 2021

EP 20 - Scoopy Trooples & Alchemix are Building a Powerful Financial System Built Upon Self-Paying Interest Free Non-Liquidating Loans

EP 20 - Scoopy Trooples & Alchemix are Building a Powerful Financial System Built Upon Self-Paying Interest Free Non-Liquidating Loans

This is a pretty massive episode that covers the experience and stress of building a powerful and popular financial product in DeFi along with the details about version 2 of Alchemix that is a pretty massive move.

Mission: DeFi is sponsored by Material Indicators -
Smarter tools for smarts traders

Name of Guest: Scupy Trooples

Name of Project: Alchemix ( $ALCX ) 

Twitter URL of Guest:

Project Twitter URL:

Project URL:

* Scupy's background and how he went from education to #DeFi developer

* How the idea evolved out of something different

* Going from gung-ho to panic attacks

* How the community of devs help each other cope

* Security, security, security

* Moving to the cutting edge

* Amazing new capabilities in version 2

* Opening the world up to self-paying loans

* Getting Alchemix into the real world

* and much, much, much, more


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