2:00 Fusion Energy - https://www.ft.com/content/4b6f0fab-66ef-4e33-adec-cfc345589dc7 9:00 - Binance prosecution - https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL8N3321X6 10:00 - Metamask privacy preserving fork - https://twitter.com/0x...
Mission DeFi EP 75 - Chicken In or Chicken Out? Liquity & their amazing new project Chicken Bonds with @TokenBrice https://www.missiondefi.com/Chicken-Bonds/ https://bit.ly/mdchickenbonds Arrested Tornado Cash developer to st...
Joe Cawley and Brad Nickel cover the DeFi news of the day, new opportunities in the space including liquidity pools, yield farming, staking, and much more. Wonderland takes one more gouge out of investors before they leave - ...
Joe Cawley and Brad Nickel cover the DeFi news of the day, new opportunities in the space including liquidity pools, yield farming, staking, and much more. Blockchain company ConsenSys Faces Multi-Billion Dollar Audit as Shar...